September 2

Isometric drawing

This week in maths we were learning about isometric shapes. The video is about the image that we made while doing a challenge. The video link is here: And the site link is here:

The attached image is of the shapes that we had to draw on a piece of isometric paper. The coloured one is the thing that I drew on the tool. Hope you like them!!

September 2

Exhibition Reflection 2

Sorry that I didn’t post an exhibition reflection last week. I was away! We have finally finished the tuning in stage (see the upcoming post), and now we have moved on to the finding out stage, where we start researching! So far we have learned a bit about the different note-taking strategies, and it has been super fun so far. If you would like to know more about the entire week, check out our podcast, Year 5 Weekly:

Thank you for reading, and there will definitely be more posts in the upcoming week. Bye!!

September 2

Tuning in Reflection

I know that you have probably heard parts of this before, but today I am going to be reflecting on the ‘Tuning In’ stage of the inquiry cycle. My lines of inquiry are; An inquiry into whether lack of plant biodiversity is really a bad thing, an inquiry into what we can do to protect biodiversity and an inquiry into the main factors that affect biodiversity. Lines of inquiry, in case you didn’t know, are statements beginning with ‘an inquiry into…’ that drive your inquiry. The central idea that my group and I came up with is ‘Our advancements impact the natural world’. The concepts that my group are using are; causation, change and responsibility, and our related concepts are; impact, cycles and values. Thank you so much for reading, and I will be posting more next week. Bye!!

September 2

Book Week Comic

I know it is a bit after book week, but today I am going to be talking about what we did for book week at school. For dress-up day, I came dressed up as Anne Of Green Gables, and that is who the character is in the comic. Now, about the comic… we had the task to make a book week comic starring the character that we came dressed as. As the theme for this year was ‘Reading is my Secret Power’, I had to make Anne’s love of imagining her secret power for the comic. Please have a read, and let me know what you think in the comments!! P.S. if you would like to hear more about book week, check out the latest episode of our podcast, Year 5 Weekly! Here is the link;


September 2

Cube Nets

This week in class we were learning about cube nets. We challenged our knowledge of cube nets while sketching out nets without testing them until we had tried to draw as many as we could. There are 11 ways that a correct cube net can be drawn, and I found 7. We also did an interactive worksheet, and the picture with only a few of them filled out was when we were testing our sketches, and the one where they are all filled out is when we tried to guess if they could be made into a cube or not.  I learnt a lot, but the main challenging thing for me was sketching, because I wasn’t thinking in the right way, and I had to open up my thinking a bit more. Here is the link to my video:


And I hope you enjoy my blog!

August 7

Exhibition journey #1

The PYP exhibition is an exhibition that students at the end of their PYP journey put on for the rest of the school, usually in year 5 or 6, and at my school we do it in year 5. We have to choose an issue that we are passionate or curious about, as we have to craft our own unit of inquiry (central idea ect. Included), and we research and present our work in a stand-like sort of thing so the rest of the school can see what we have been doing.
This is our first week doing the PYP exhibition at school, and I have chosen my issue to be lack of biodiversity in plants. I chose this issue because I am really passionate about the wellbeing of plants, and naturalistic wellbeing in general. Specifically, I am inquiring into these 2 main questions; Is lack of biodiversity in plants actually a bad thing? And; What causes loss or lack of biodiversity in plants? I am really happy with my choice, and I am excited to continue inquiring into those questions. For my transdisciplinary theme I think I will choose either how the world works, or sharing the planet because I think that they link best with my theme. For our central ideas, we haven’t actually started writing our own personal ones, but we have been practicing by re-writing the central idea for the exhibition unit, which is ‘Change occurs when people take action’, and one of my re-writes is ‘we listen to forms of expression and gather information to take action. If you happen to know any websites about loss or lack of biodiversity, then could you please link them in the comments? Thanks! If you like this post, keep an eye out, because I will be posting every Wednesday at about this time. Please remember the code of conduct if you want to comment. Thank you to everyone that comes to look at my learning on this blog. Bye!!

August 5

100wc- Scared

You are absolutely petrified. What is that noise? Where is it coming from? You decide that it is your over-active imagination and continue reading your book as you turn and snuggle tighter under the covers. After a few moments though, you hear the noise again, and decide to turn the lights out and go to sleep, hoping that is WAS just your imagination. You sleep peacefully for a few minutes and then the dream starts. You twist yourself deeper into the sheets, becoming more and more sweaty until you can hardly breath. You have been dreaming about the house being burnt to the ground, and being captured and taken away, screaming and kicking. When you wake up you realise that it wasn’t just a dream, but you are actually in a strange place restrained by sacks and tape, and you hope that you can escape, because you are terrified.

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