September 6

Birthday Graphs

This week in class we were making graphs about the number of birthdays per month fo the people in our class. We had to do multiple drafts, making each one better with feedback from our peers and teacher.

The first image is of my first graph, and because I was thinking about making it look fresh, I left too much of a space, so it looked like it was too small. I think I tried hard for this first draft, but it wasn’t my best work. The second image is of my second graph, which I made bigger, so it looked more full, as in it took up more of the page. I changed my thoughts because I had the feedback that it. Was a bit small, and that I hadn’t labelled the axis. I feel like this was a sample of a bit of my best work, and I am proud of it. In making these graphs, I learnt how to make things better, while in a way, keeping them the same. In the comments, please let me know which one you liked better, and any feedback you might have.

Thanks, Sophie 😎

September 2

Isometric drawing

This week in maths we were learning about isometric shapes. The video is about the image that we made while doing a challenge. The video link is here: And the site link is here:

The attached image is of the shapes that we had to draw on a piece of isometric paper. The coloured one is the thing that I drew on the tool. Hope you like them!!

September 2

Cube Nets

This week in class we were learning about cube nets. We challenged our knowledge of cube nets while sketching out nets without testing them until we had tried to draw as many as we could. There are 11 ways that a correct cube net can be drawn, and I found 7. We also did an interactive worksheet, and the picture with only a few of them filled out was when we were testing our sketches, and the one where they are all filled out is when we tried to guess if they could be made into a cube or not.  I learnt a lot, but the main challenging thing for me was sketching, because I wasn’t thinking in the right way, and I had to open up my thinking a bit more. Here is the link to my video:


And I hope you enjoy my blog!