September 2

Book Week Comic

I know it is a bit after book week, but today I am going to be talking about what we did for book week at school. For dress-up day, I came dressed up as Anne Of Green Gables, and that is who the character is in the comic. Now, about the comic… we had the task to make a book week comic starring the character that we came dressed as. As the theme for this year was ‘Reading is my Secret Power’, I had to make Anne’s love of imagining her secret power for the comic. Please have a read, and let me know what you think in the comments!! P.S. if you would like to hear more about book week, check out the latest episode of our podcast, Year 5 Weekly! Here is the link;


September 2

Cube Nets

This week in class we were learning about cube nets. We challenged our knowledge of cube nets while sketching out nets without testing them until we had tried to draw as many as we could. There are 11 ways that a correct cube net can be drawn, and I found 7. We also did an interactive worksheet, and the picture with only a few of them filled out was when we were testing our sketches, and the one where they are all filled out is when we tried to guess if they could be made into a cube or not.  I learnt a lot, but the main challenging thing for me was sketching, because I wasn’t thinking in the right way, and I had to open up my thinking a bit more. Here is the link to my video:


And I hope you enjoy my blog!